Events of the future

As a family business, we aim to make every gathering special by continuously innovating sustainably and investing in our people, location, technology, and services. Sustainability is central to our venue. We believe that as an event location, we should lead the way in an industry not typically known for its sustainable character. The construction of our fully renovated NBC has provided us the opportunity to create a venue of the future. Additionally, we have the ambition to become the most sustainable location in the Netherlands. On this page, we are excited to share more about everything we do to facilitate sustainable events.

Sustainably built event venue
Our venue originated in 1992. At that time, the NBC consisted of just one hall, a restaurant, and a few breakout rooms. Over the following years, we continuously expanded our location, adding a second event hall, 30 breakout rooms in total, our orange tower, and new hospitality spaces. While most of these new spaces met our and our clients’ needs, some of the older parts of our location did not. Issues included sustainability, room height, walkways, and backstage logistics. In this regard, the fire in September 2022 provided us with a unique opportunity. It allowed us to scrutinize the limitations of our venue and start fresh. The decision to demolish part of our location and rebuild a sustainable, future-proof event venue was made quickly.
Currently, our venue consists of two distinct parts: a newly built section and an existing wing. In the existing wing, we are building according to circularity principles, and the newly constructed section is built with high sustainability standards, achieving a score of 8.0 according to the GPR building certification.
Circularity in existing construction
The damage from the fire was, of course, immense, with 90 percent of our building being lost. However, the damage was not caused by the fire itself but by water and smoke damage. Since the fire only occurred in the Event Hall and did not spread further through our location, we were able to recycle or reuse all materials in a circular manner. First, we stripped the entire location and separated the materials that were no longer suitable for reuse to be recycled. This was done down to the smallest details: cables with cables, screws with screws, plastic with plastic, and so on. The materials that were still suitable for reuse were carefully dismantled and cleaned so they could be used in the reconstruction in a circular way. Some examples of this are:
Second life
Insulation material
Sustainably build venue
The oldest part of our venue, where the fire occurred, was demolished after dismantling. This made way for a newly constructed section where we could make sustainable choices in materials, technology, and design. Through the GPR-building certification, we aim to make sustainable building measurable and transparent for our clients. GPR-building is a method for assessing the sustainability of a building based on five themes: energy, environment, health, usability, and future value.
For the energy theme, a BENG calculation is used to map the building’s energy consumption. For the environment, a significant part of the score is determined by the building’s environmental performance (MPG), which includes the circularity of materials and the green surface area of the site. The health theme evaluates the comfort for the building’s users by assessing acoustic comfort, air quality, thermal comfort, light, and air quality. Usability includes accessibility for wheelchair users and the building’s technical quality. Finally, the future value theme assesses the building’s future potential in terms of adaptability and experiential value.
This comprehensive approach evaluates all aspects of the building. The result is a scoring system where the building can score on a scale of 1-10 for each component, reflecting the building’s sustainability score. Currently, we are in the certification process, and with our sustainability ambitions and choices, we are achieving an impressive average score of 8!
Sustainable energy
Solar panels and gas-free
In 2024, we will be equipping the roofs of both our locations, NBC Congress Center and Green Village, with solar panels. By utilizing solar energy, we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, NBC has been a gas-free location since 2019. We cook using electric appliances and heat our facilities through our climate control system and district heating.

Follow the crowd climate system
In addition to naturally heating our location through the glass facade, we also ensure sustainable cooling, ventilation, and additional heating. This is achieved through our self-designed ‘Follow the Crowd’ climate system. By moving warm or cool air to the areas where guests are present, we save 70 percent of our energy needs.
The air treatment essentially travels with the guests, hence the name ‘Follow the Crowd.’ This approach prevents unnecessary use of air conditioning or heating in unused spaces. For example, consider the reception area and the plenary hall. Guests are usually only in one of these areas at a time. Previously, both spaces would be heated or cooled simultaneously, but with our new system, this is no longer necessary.
Additionally, the climate system ensures that fresh air from outside is brought in and indoor air is exhausted. This way, we always maintain an optimal CO2 level in our rooms.
Vegetarian and seasonal
Delicious event catering
Our standard culinary offerings are composed of 80 percent vegetarian or vegan dishes throughout the year. By doing so, we reverse the demand for sustainable catering. There's no need to request a more sustainable option because we already provide it. Additionally, we always present a seasonal culinary menu, which is not only delicious but also less harmful to the environment. If you, as a client, would still like to have meat or fish included, we can certainly accommodate that. We will then serve the most sustainable and, of course, tasty options at an additional cost.
Development of sustainability label
To provide clients with insight into the sustainability of their event, we are currently developing a sustainability label. This label is based in part on the sustainable practices we implement at our location, some of which are highlighted in this article. Additionally, the choices made by clients for their event play a significant role. Factors include how guests travel to the event, whether or not meat is served, and the use of reusable materials. These elements contribute to an overall sustainability score.
We offer various options to further enhance the event’s sustainability, such as reducing no-shows, encouraging guests to use public transportation, or using recycled PET bottle flags without date markings so they can be reused. Additionally, we identify which choices may reduce the sustainability of the event.

The heart of our company

As an employer, we strive to offer equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of their background. We actively support participation legislation and proudly welcome talented individuals who face barriers to employment. Together, we are building an inclusive future where everyone has the chance to grow. Additionally, the sustainable employability of our staff is central to us. We invest in their development and job satisfaction, ensuring they continue to contribute to our success with enthusiasm. Our employees are, after all, the heart of our company.
Sustainable Mobility
Encouraging environmentally friendly transportation contributes to our sustainability goals, and we encourage guests to travel to our location using sustainable transport methods such as cycling, public transport, collective bus transport, or carpooling. By collectively motivating guests to choose eco-friendly travel options, we can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of events.
Our location is easily accessible by public transport from all over the country. The tram from Utrecht Central Station stops right at our doorstep. From Utrecht Central, you can reach NBC in just 16 minutes. For those who enjoy a bit of exercise, an OV-bike can be rented at Utrecht Central, and you can cycle to our locations in 23 minutes.

Sustainability policy
What else are we doing...
In addition to the aforementioned measures, we do much more to facilitate sustainable events. For instance, we have a local hiring policy, minimizing our employees' travel distance and making it easier for them to commute by public transport or bicycle. Here are a few more examples of our efforts:
Water-saving restroom facilities
LED lighting and screens
Waste separation
Sustainable branding
Encouraging biodiversity
Sustainable drinking
Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about our sustainability policy or want to learn more about a specific topic? We have gathered the answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.
Organizing a sustainable event?
Would you like to organize a sustainable event with us? Or do you want to learn more about our sustainability policy? Contact Cindy for more information.